LAVA mobile manufacturer company now launched Etab Xtron tablet in Indian markets. Tablet available all major retailers across the country for Rs. 6,770. It is a budget tablet but it not have some of the basic things such as Bluetooth, SIM card slot and HDMI port. The tablet packed with free Entertainment package worth Rs. 2,000 from, 1 Month Unlimited Movie on demand package from BigFlix for Rs. 1 and some Educational packages.
The dimension of the tablet is 184 x 131 x 11.5 mm and 350g weight. It come with 7-Inch TFT LCD capacitive Multi-touch screen with IPS technology and it support 1024 x 600 pixel screen resolution. Tablet runs on Android v4.1.1 (Jelly Bean) operating system and powered by 1.5 GHz Cortex-A9 Dual-core processor and Quad core (Mali-400 3D / OPNE GL VE 2.0) Graphics processor for super video performance.
The device has 1 GB DDR3 RAM for super performance. For storage needs it has 8 GB internal storage space, It expandable up to 32 GB via MicroSD card slot. The tablet built-in with 2.0 Megapixel front-facing camera for making effecting video calls. It offers connectivity through 3G, Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g), Micro USB and 3.5mm Audio jack. It support Google maps.
The device get power from a 3500 mAh battery, It features up to 3-hours Internet browsing time. It has a Media player, It support rmvb, WMV, MPG, DIVX, MPG, XVID, MOV, AVI(H.264, FLV(H.263, DIVX, TP, ASF, DIVX, rm, MP4(H.264, MPEG, XVID), DAT(VCD), VOB(DVD), TS, MPEG, H.264), 3GP Video formats and OGG, MP3, WMA, MP2, M4A, APE, WAV, AAC, FLAC, MA4 Audio files. Etab Xtron pre-loaded with apps such as Facebook, Office Suite, YouTube, Nimbuzz, Twitter, Flash Player, Adobe reader, TOI, Fusion, Pizza Ninja, Solitaire, Chess, Memory Game, Sudoku, Mine Sweeper, Ping Pong. Also users can find more apps from Google Play Store.
Lava Etab Xtron Tablet Features
- 7-Inch TFT LCD multi-touch screen with IPS technology and 1024 x 600 pixel resolution
- Android v4.1.1 Jelly Bean operating system
- 1.5 GHz Cortex-A9 Dual-core processor
- Quad core Graphics processor (Mali-400 3D / OPNE GL VE 2.0)
- 8 GB internal storage capacity
- Expandable up to 32 GB via MicroSD card slot
- 2.0 Megapixel front-facing camera
- Wi-Fi and 3G enabled
- 3500 mAh rechargeable battery
- 3.5 mm Audio jack
- Dimension: 184 x 131 x 11.5 mm, Weight: 350 g
Lava Etab Xtron tablet now available on India's online retailer store flipkart for Rs. 6,499.